Valley Land Fund
Click on the GuideStar logo to read their independent report on Valley Land Fund
Local and Regional Land Trusts
in Connecticut Valley and Hilltowns:
Kestrel Trust
Amherst and surrounding towns
Franklin Land Trust
Franklin County
Hilltown Land Trust: P.O. Box 251, Chesterfield, MA 01012
Western Hampshire County
Pascommuck Conservation Trust
Winding River Land Conservancy
Western Hampden County
Opacum Land Trust
Southeast Hampden/Southwest Worcester County
Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust
Northeast Worcester County/Eastern Franklin County
Berkshire Natural Resources Council
Berkshire County
Statewide and National Land Conservation:
Mass. Land Trust CoalitionLand Trust AllianceMassachusetts Audubon SocietyThe Trustees Of ReservationsAmerican Farmland Trust
Environmental Advocacy:
Environmental League of MassachusettsSierra Club/Mass. ChapterMassachusetts Audubon SocietyEnvironmental Defense FundConservation Law FoundationMassPIRG
Watershed Information and Advocacy:
EPA Wetlands, Oceans, WaterwaysMA Watershed Coaliton